Volunteering at Masbia for Thanksgiving News Features

Volunteering at Masbia for Thanksgiving News Features

Posted on: November 22, 2018

Thanksgiving At Masbia Soup Kitchen Of Boro Park

By Joe Mauceri, November 21, 2018

Thanksgiving prep is in full swing at the Masbia Soup Kitchen in Borough Park, but if your still looking to do some good on the Holiday, it’s not too late.

Massive donations from the Food Bank for New York City and KJ Poultry mean plenty of work for volunteers before the Thanksgiving rush.

“Peeling, dicing, inventory, taking in huge deliveries, everything that you could imagine,” said Volunteer Coordinator Laura Allen.

In addition to cooking the meals, Masbia’s pantry will be open so people can get food to cook at home.

“It’s another Thursday,” Allen said. “It’s another Thursday with bigger crowds.”

With people in the giving spirit during the holiday, Executive Director Alexander Rapaport says Masbia will find a way to put everyone to work so the rush of generosity can last throughout the winter.

“We try to harvest the energy that’s around Thanksgiving and make it worthwhile and help us feed people the next couple of months,” Rapaport said.

A recent report by the Food Bank for New York City found that Brooklynites missed 80 million meals in just one year. That’s more than twice the number of missed meals of any other borough. At Masbia, they say they see that need on a daily basis.

“We’re adding shifts,” Rapaport said. “Meaning to say, we used to do our pantry only on Thursday, now we’re doing it almost every day of the week.”

To help out you can head to Masbia.org to sign up.

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Here’s Where You Can Still Volunteer On Thanksgiving Day

By Kadia Goba, November 20, 2018

The non-profit needs volunteers to help unload a large food trailer Tuesday evening at 5402 New Utrecht Avenue at the Masbia Boro Park location. Volunteers can sign-up for food distribution or truck unloading here. New York City mayor not included.

Read the full article here.

KJ Donates Turkey Products to Masbia On Thanksgiving Eve

November 22, 2018

Masbia Food Network director Alexander Rapaport (C) with Masbia employees Ruben Diaz (L) and Elven Diaz, display
high-end turkey products donated by KJ Poultry on Thanksgiving Eve. (Masbia)

See the article here.

Volunteer In Brooklyn For Thanksgiving: A Patch Holiday Guide

Share The Love, Pass The Stuffing

By Kathleen Culliton, November 19, 2018

Masbia Soup Kitchen

Read the full article here.

Assemblywoman Bichotte Shows Community Thanks

By Alexandra Simon, November 28, 2018

Brooklyn assemblywoman Rodneyse Bichotte (D–Flatbush) gave away hundreds of turkeys ahead of the Thanksgiving holiday weekend in Midwood on Nov. 19. The politician helped distribute 600 turkeys to community members at the Plaza Auto Mall dealership last week, in an effort to help those in need.

“This event is to bring support and bring joy to many families in need in Brooklyn this Thanksgiving holiday,” she said.

The act of kindness helped families in the national housing and shelter program, HELP USA and the kosher soup kitchen program — Masbia.

Read the full article here.