A year after so many generous neighbors helped others in need during Hurricane Sandy, volunteers and donors who worked at Masbia, the John Jay High School and Park Slope Armory…
View the coverage here. MIDWOOD – Students from J-Teen Leadership in Westchester spent the day volunteering at a soup kitchen in Midwood today. The group of students is a teen-led Jewish…
Nachum welcomed Alexander Rapaport, Executive Director of the Masbia Soup Kitchen Network & Seth Leavitt, President of Abeles & Heymann Kosher (A&H) to this morning’s JM in the AM to…
Read the article below written by David Freedlander published in Newsweek. Our Masbia‘s ED Alexander Rapaport spoke about Hurricane Sandy brings two worlds together. When the hurricane hit, the city’s Orthodox Jews stepped u to care…
March 4, 2012 — Today more than 100 students from Yeshiva University came to Masbia of Flatbush to volunteer their time and efforts to cleaning, chopping, and cooking vegetables for…
By Simone Weichselbaum BROOKLYN, NY — March 4, 2012 — New York Jews getting ready for Purim skipped the costume parties Sunday to focus on giving back. Doing extra charity is…
By Daniel Treiman What happens when a man who can consume 53 and 3/4 hot dogs in 12 minutes meets a giant hamantasch? That’s the question that confronted famed competitive…
By Yaakov Hawk THE JEWISH STAR — Masbia this past Monday night to be treated food, gifts and live music. Philanthropy for the Future, hosted this incredible night at Masbia,…