

Thirty Six Meals for the Needy at Masbia & One Year Subscription to Fleishigs Magazine for You

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Thirty Six Meals for the Needy at Masbia & One Year Subscription to Fleishigs Magazine for You
Product Details

Fleishigs Magazine is a new monthly publication dedicated to presenting the kosher lifestyle in a modern, exciting way. Stunning photos and graphics are supported by valuable travel features, restaurant and cookbook reviews, lifestyle content, unique profiles and triple-tested recipes. Each issue of Fleishigs offers new surprises to fans and subscribers who are constantly sharing their excitement via social media.

The only kosher publication to be sold in prestigious chains like Barnes & Noble and Whole Foods, Fleishigs is a magazine on par with any national publication in terms of the food content and styling, surpassing expectations and elevating kosher to new heights

Your donation of $360 will sponsor 36 hot meals at $10 a meal, or 5 emergency raw food packages for families to take home, at $72 a package, and you will receive a full year’s subscription to Fleishigs magazine.

Shlomo and Shifra Klein, the publishers of Fleishigs magazine, have been generous supporters of Masbia for several years, donating advertising space in their print edition to help raise awareness of Masbia, and contributing innovative recipes to our Tzimmis collection and to other campaigns.

The Kleins not only encourage others to support Masbia in feeding the needy, they also lead by example. Recently, Shifra and Shlomo brought their children to volunteer at our Boro Park facility where for many hours they ladled soup, bussed tables, plated the main course, bagged produce, and helped many families pack raw food packages to take home.

In 2013, Shifra Klein (Joy of Kosher culinary director) volunteered at Masbia of Flatbush with Jamie Geller and Tamar Genger.

Above, Shifra and Shlomo Klein, Masbia chef Ruben Diaz, and Executive Director Alexander Rapaport.

Shifra and Shlomo Klein, publishers of Fleishigs magazine, in their own words (filmed after volunteering at Masbia of Boro Park):

"Masbia has 3 locations where they help out people, whether it's with meals or with actual raw products to take home and cook themselves. There are three locations: Flatbush, Boro Park and Queens. They prepare two million meals a year. Guys, if you donate thirty six meals - that's $360 - not only will you help this amazing organization out, you will also get a subscription to Fleishigs Magazine. Thirty-six meals, not a lot, $360 and not only will you feel good about yourself, but everyone in the house will feel good with all the good stuff that you make out of it".